When the student is ready--the teacher appears! I feel so blessed to be sitting at the feet of a living Master Lama -- Rasaji. I started with the Tai Chi Gung standing exercises and my painful hip (I've been refusing hip replacement!) is so much better, as is everything else in my life. I start my day with The Daily Lama's message. My
When the student is ready--the teacher appears! I feel so blessed to be sitting at the feet of a living Master Lama -- Rasaji. I started with the Tai Chi Gung standing exercises and my painful hip (I've been refusing hip replacement!) is so much better, as is everything else in my life. I start my day with The Daily Lama's message. My heart and mind are full with his words and elevated physical -mental-and spiritual energy. This has truly been an answer to prayer. I joined everything I could including the advanced training program and am telling everyone I know about The Circle of Life. I am 73 and have been involved in natural healing and energy medicine for more than 50 years, and Master Lama Rasaji's messages...including the Patriot and Patriot Show--are in total alignment with my beliefs. I feel so blessed.
Unspeakable Blessings Didn't know if it would be appropriate to write another testimonial, but Master Rasaji and Jimmie suggested on Friday's Webinar we go back through the Archives and I feel compelled to share my experience – it was astounding to me. At first, I didn't know if there was enough time in my day to go through all the previ
Unspeakable Blessings Didn't know if it would be appropriate to write another testimonial, but Master Rasaji and Jimmie suggested on Friday's Webinar we go back through the Archives and I feel compelled to share my experience – it was astounding to me. At first, I didn't know if there was enough time in my day to go through all the previous webinars (my 11 yr old girl keeps me quite engaged) 🙂 Spirit encouraged me to listen while I was out in Nature walking. May 14, 2021 is the first Sangri-La Friday in the Archives; it is almost overpowering with knowledge and instruction. O-MY-WORD – I listened 2 times and it's not enough. Master Rasaji and Jimmie talked about (prayer beads, walking movements, chanting) it was phenomenal!!!!! After listening twice, I turned on Master David Paul's daily music, and begun my TCG – I swear it did not feel like my feet were on the ground. Even now, I have not sufficient words to express the unspeakable blessings I received from just that one Archived Webinar. There is no doubt…WE HAVE THE BEST FREAKIN' TEACHERS IN THE WORLD !
Life Renewed The 45-day challenges bring much needed discipline into my life. I see this especially in my relationship with God. My time in prayer has increased. The mala beads (available in the store) help me stay focused. And Master Lama Rasaji's teaching emphasizes the critical importance of our relationship with Father God, Abba. As
Life Renewed The 45-day challenges bring much needed discipline into my life. I see this especially in my relationship with God. My time in prayer has increased. The mala beads (available in the store) help me stay focused. And Master Lama Rasaji's teaching emphasizes the critical importance of our relationship with Father God, Abba. As the spiritual growth proceeds, God puts His spotlight on attitudes and behaviors for which I need to take responsibility, turn away from, and heal. This fills me with gratitude; I’ve always been one who seeks self-improvement. So now I have new focus on some much-needed inner work! And the column exercises provide a tool to assure this work succeeds. The Tai Chi Gung exercises have given me new strength, both physical and spiritual. I have improved muscle tone, balance, and flexibility. For example, I can now cross my legs (ankle to knee while sitting) which I haven’t been able to do for years. I now know I'm in this for the long haul. When I stumble, I get back up, continue with my prayer, column exercises, Tai Chi Gung, and study. I am also thankful for the team of Master Lama Rasaji, Patriot Jimmy Schwinn, and Master David Paul. They too are in this for the long haul. There is so much more to tell, but I need to keep this brief. Try the generous free material. You won’t be disappointed. The paid content provides amazing value when you’re ready for more growth.
Amazing healing! Tai chi gung has totally transformed my life! After having a number of surgeries, I was left with a lot of pain and was unable to do many things. I am so glad that I found Circle of Life and I am so thankful to Master Lama Rasaji, Jimmie Schwinn, and Master David Paul. I am halfway into my fourth 45 day challenge and se
Amazing healing! Tai chi gung has totally transformed my life! After having a number of surgeries, I was left with a lot of pain and was unable to do many things. I am so glad that I found Circle of Life and I am so thankful to Master Lama Rasaji, Jimmie Schwinn, and Master David Paul. I am halfway into my fourth 45 day challenge and see amazing results. The more tai chi gung that I do, the less pain that I have and more things I am able to do. I plan to be a teacher of tai chi gung because I know firsthand that it works and I want to help other people.
the breath of life Hello all, I am a 52-year-old male, and I have type 1 diabetes and have had a triple bypass unexpectedly as well and very fit believe it or not. Before I started this 45-day challenge, that is a blessing, I was taking at least three shots a day in my stomach, since I have learned to breath correctly very seldom, I take
the breath of life Hello all, I am a 52-year-old male, and I have type 1 diabetes and have had a triple bypass unexpectedly as well and very fit believe it or not. Before I started this 45-day challenge, that is a blessing, I was taking at least three shots a day in my stomach, since I have learned to breath correctly very seldom, I take one shot a day of Lantus and sometimes that is not needed. I am in my first 45-day challenge 4 weeks now and I can tell you I have had so much energy and less pain from my neuropathy. I feel like I am healing my own body and the calm that I have is wonderful once I have taken myself away from all the drama in my life NEWS and grounded myself with the Creator and mother nature, I have had amazing experiences. I highly recommend trying this program its Free what do you have to lose and so much to gain I am looking forward to meeting Master Lama Rasaji and the patriot someday so i can thank them in person many blessings and love to you all.
My experience with humility … A year and half before Master Lama Rasaji and Jimmie went public with his wisdom, my life had fallen apart. Master Lama Rasaji appeared to me on many levels, and I embraced his system to the best of my ability. I have been able to rebuild my life and ground myself with the exercises. I now have a solid found
My experience with humility … A year and half before Master Lama Rasaji and Jimmie went public with his wisdom, my life had fallen apart. Master Lama Rasaji appeared to me on many levels, and I embraced his system to the best of my ability. I have been able to rebuild my life and ground myself with the exercises. I now have a solid foundation. Each day I have more energy and I have less confusion about my spiritual path. Discernment is guaranteed if you do the standing exercises and start the 45 day challenge. I have no lightning bolts emanating from my orifices, but I am happier and more whole. I feel that I can continue each day with hope that I can transform this planet by raising my energy. However long it takes, I will continue with this system until I am able to heal myself and others and help the Earth emerge from darkness. I have reconciled with my wife; she cannot believe the change I have undergone against all odds. Thank you Master Lama Rasaji. Thank you Jimmie. Special thanks to Master David Paul, who has nurtured me with his wisdom when I needed it most. I love you all.
Abundant Blessings! March 2022 – I just started my 5th 45 day challenge. The physical changes I have experienced since beginning Tai' Chi Gung include, weight loss (~12lbs), improved eyesight in regards to reading, eye floaters have diminished a fair amount, GREATLY improved sleep, more energetic and healthy, memory and mental acuity impr
Abundant Blessings! March 2022 – I just started my 5th 45 day challenge. The physical changes I have experienced since beginning Tai' Chi Gung include, weight loss (~12lbs), improved eyesight in regards to reading, eye floaters have diminished a fair amount, GREATLY improved sleep, more energetic and healthy, memory and mental acuity improved. No doubt, all these are GREAT benefits! They pale in comparison to everything that is transforming in my spiritual and emotional well being!! My spiritual relationship with God is beyond comparison to anything I've ever experienced in my lifetime of spirituality. Am truly blessed to live right beside US Forest land in the foothills of the Sandia mountain range in NM. Because of the 45 day challenge, I began to walk on a nearby trail daily. Since November 1, 2021, God continues to bless me with heart shaped rocks, all of which appear on the same trail directly in front of me. I gradually came to the conclusion that as I slowed my walk and began to pray and meditate, He blessed me with more heart shaped rocks as if to answer prayers and/or meditative thoughts. Keep in mind, I was a fast moving, no time for reading, let alone meditation type of person before I started this journey, no time to see heart shaped rocks! I did yoga for the exercise only, never connecting the spiritual benefits because I was (still am) already a practicing Christian. Halfway through my walk, I do my Tai' Chi Gung exercises and what an astounding experience that has and continues to be! More recently, I've drawn the conclusion (with God's help of course) that the heart shaped rocks He's blessed me with are representative of humanity, each with it's own shape, balanced or not, rough or smooth composition, various colors – some solid, others a mixture of various composition, some beautiful, others not so much (to me they are ALL beautiful), you can imagine right? Plus, I have been blessed with many, just as there are many that make up humanity. I am in the Circle of Life Advanced Plus Training to become a Tai' Chi Gung instructor and am so humbled and excited to be a part of a movement that will help humanity to become healthier spiritually, physically, mentally, knowing that God will shape and greatly improve their hearts as He is mine. I have learned so much in such a short amount of time from Master Lama Rasaji and Master David. I am convinced that God has them right here, right now to share these exercises with anybody who wishes to greatly expand their spirituality, health, emotional well being and wealth. Thank you for being such great servants of the Most High! Namaste!
Nuking the Doubts Just have to share this: This morning I decided to go to the beach to do my Tai Chi Gung and have a welcome meditation outdoors. Master Lama Rasaji and Master David have both alluded to Tai Chi Gung affecting our alkalinity levels so before I set out, I took a PH reading. I’d not eaten a thing - had some water to take my
Nuking the Doubts Just have to share this: This morning I decided to go to the beach to do my Tai Chi Gung and have a welcome meditation outdoors. Master Lama Rasaji and Master David have both alluded to Tai Chi Gung affecting our alkalinity levels so before I set out, I took a PH reading. I’d not eaten a thing - had some water to take my thyroid med. It measured on the low-mid acidic level. After completing my sessions and sharing the beach with all kinds of curious and brave birds, I came home and checked the PH level again - before eating brekkies. I could not believe it!! It measured in the mid alkaline level! Wow - how's that for pure evidence?! I see why there are reports of tumors disappearing - Master David and Rasaji have both told of students from past years having this experience. Plus they’ve taught how our Figure 8s change our metabolism. No wonder my acid reflux is lessening all the time!! I'm becoming suspicious that the benefits are endless!
I Have Been Waiting for This All My Life It is not a coincidence that my 1st 45 day challenge will take me through the season of Lent. A time of reflection & preparation. I always knew in my Spirit that there was so much more, I knew my destiny was in healing but until the 45 day challenge, I felt like I was on a island with no bridge to
I Have Been Waiting for This All My Life It is not a coincidence that my 1st 45 day challenge will take me through the season of Lent. A time of reflection & preparation. I always knew in my Spirit that there was so much more, I knew my destiny was in healing but until the 45 day challenge, I felt like I was on a island with no bridge to get to the other side. I love the Bible, the Word but I knew man had manipulated and left out portions. I always felt like it was a huge puzzle with missing pieces so I couldn't finish it. Thank you Rasaji for the gift of the missing pieces. Until I started the 45 day challenge, I would feel like I was doing something wrong if I examined other religions text. Now my faith is only strengthened by doing so. The Holy Science is a fascinating & enlightening text. At the end of the day I would sit on the couch and play games on my phone, now I poor over scriptures and recommended readings. I love the ease and pace of the 45 day challenge. As a realtor I am going to provide closing gift baskets with The Circle of Life book, bottle of wine, and other spiritual goodies. I am now so excited for each new day, I am so full of gratitude for the Divine's presence in my life. Every though is of Him. My husband built a book barn in our front yard so I could share books with the neighbors in our rural community. I really wasn't sure what books to share, now instead of ordering one of the recommended readings, I will buy two, one for my own studies and one for the book barn. The 45 day challenge is so simple, I'm just getting started and already I sleep better, awaken to gratitude of each new day, My Spirit is awakening within me, His Spirit is growing within and shining through me, it is projecting out and around about me. My joy is almost overwhelming at times. I'm no longer interested in podcast & political points of view~ just the Light of the Divine. Thank you
new meaning of self love I started Tai Chi Gung with Lama Master Rasaji in May 2021. My husband and I are now advanced members with Rasaji and Master David, and I have just about completed my 5th 45 day challenge. I already mentioned several remarkable experiences and a new presence of peace. Today I wish to share the mirror meditation e
new meaning of self love I started Tai Chi Gung with Lama Master Rasaji in May 2021. My husband and I are now advanced members with Rasaji and Master David, and I have just about completed my 5th 45 day challenge. I already mentioned several remarkable experiences and a new presence of peace. Today I wish to share the mirror meditation exercises. The mirror exercise is a precious way of communing with God, and the God Presence (I AM) in me. I have been doing the mirror meditation almost daily for the past several months. After a few times I finally discovered that truly LIKE myself. Recently I have discovered that I truly LOVE myself, and LOVE ABBA MORE THAN I HAVE EVER LOVED HIM BEFORE. We can't be grateful enough for the Lamasery in directing Master Lama Rasaji to bring this to the world, as well as the genius of Jimmie, and the advanced training of Master David Paul. I cannot forget to thank the line of the 3300 years of the Lamasery that has made this possible for us to bring even greater joy, peace and harmony to our angels, brothers and sisters, and the Earth. Truly, God bless us, everyone.
Circle of Life 2nd Edition On my way to my 5th 45 Day Challenge I was starting my 6th read on the Circle of Life (printed copy). Was inspired to check the online copy and I'm so glad I did! The 2nd Edition is fabulous. Love the highlighted sections, and really appreciated the link to find Master David Paul's music. Have been looking f
Circle of Life 2nd Edition On my way to my 5th 45 Day Challenge I was starting my 6th read on the Circle of Life (printed copy). Was inspired to check the online copy and I'm so glad I did! The 2nd Edition is fabulous. Love the highlighted sections, and really appreciated the link to find Master David Paul's music. Have been looking for it for a while now. What a complete blessing, will subscribe to his channel immediately. Have been absorbing the 2nd Edition word by word. It is totally awesome - THANK YOU JIMMY for your hard work. It seems more alive now that it's updated!!!! Blessings to you ALL.
Advanced Plus TCG with Master David Paul I am beyond grateful to have found the Circle of Life community. My first 45 Day Challenge was in September 2021 and have never looked back. In November it was a no brainer for me to continue with Advance Plus. Master David is kind, gentle, beautifully quirky and patient. The pearls of wisdom he of
Advanced Plus TCG with Master David Paul I am beyond grateful to have found the Circle of Life community. My first 45 Day Challenge was in September 2021 and have never looked back. In November it was a no brainer for me to continue with Advance Plus. Master David is kind, gentle, beautifully quirky and patient. The pearls of wisdom he offers for living life are invaluable. Doing the evening classes allows me to let go of the day because my mind finds peace. I recently noticed is an upgraded level of problem solving and creativity. My mind does not need to labor over solutions. The answers or ideas are coming more quickly and completely. My 5th - 45 days is around the corner. I can hardly wait to see what will come next!
GOD AS MATCHMAKER During my second 45 Day Challenge, Michael sent an email to me after being apart for 52 years. To find me on a search after 13 legal name changes and triple that in places of residences was one miracle of many to follow. With the collapse of time and space, Michael’s return brought me back into his embrace where I alway
GOD AS MATCHMAKER During my second 45 Day Challenge, Michael sent an email to me after being apart for 52 years. To find me on a search after 13 legal name changes and triple that in places of residences was one miracle of many to follow. With the collapse of time and space, Michael’s return brought me back into his embrace where I always felt wanted, safe, loved, cherished, respected, innocent, pure and protected. God gave me all of that at the age of 17. He has given that back to me again at the age of 70. Michael’s return also brought me back to the sound of my birth name that I had abandoned long ago: Mary. I believe this is all part of God’s plan of “getting all of me” and I am well on my way to that total surrender. At 19 years of age, Michael and I broke up. He dropped me off at the dorm for my second year at college and continued his career in the Navy. Unbeknownst to me then, the contrast that God created for me around love, men and relationships was well-rooted. My lifelong search to know True Love began again in a different direction. My search led me to 4 marriages, 4 divorces by the age of 40 and a mini Cosmic Turning Point which started a conscious journey of self-growth and awareness. For the next 30 years, my search to know True Love continued and relationships provided me with the triggers and teachings to move up the ladder of Self-Love. At the end of each and every relationship, I would reflect back to Michael and wonder: “Why can’t I ever have a relationship as beautiful as the one I had with Michael?” During my 4th and current 45 Day Challenge, I found the answer to my question about Michael. I also found what I had been searching a lifetime for...True Love. I found the answers only after I began to develop my own personal relationship with God through my practice of Tai Chi Gung. God waited a long time for me to get close enough to Him so he could return to me one of my greatest gifts of all...Michael. Only God could have pulled this off! It is with deep heartfelt gratitude that I can share my personal Circle of Life story within the Circle of Life community! Footnote: There still remains more than a 1,000 miles between us or so the map shows. Being together now is divine. If we physically get together, it will be ONLY because of GOD’S WILL AND GOD’S WAY.
I feel I have come home, Full Circle. On May 1, 2021 I began sharing with friends and family videos of Master Lama Rasaji. On May 5th, I joined the Circle of Life and on the 10th the Yearly Membership. On November 13, 2021 I signed up for Advanced Training Plus. This shows the affect and recognition the teachings of Master Lama Rasaji h
I feel I have come home, Full Circle. On May 1, 2021 I began sharing with friends and family videos of Master Lama Rasaji. On May 5th, I joined the Circle of Life and on the 10th the Yearly Membership. On November 13, 2021 I signed up for Advanced Training Plus. This shows the affect and recognition the teachings of Master Lama Rasaji have on me. One of the primary things that early caught my attention was his comment that Tai Chi Chung is the real Kriya Yoga. This path of Siddah Boganarthar is, I believe, the blessed path to which I have felt drawn by Divine Guidance since a youth, from Sunday School Classes, to Yogananda, to another Kriya Teacher, and Tai Chi training along the way, and Buddhist meditation. Being led by God's grace to Master Lama Rasaji I feel I have come home full circle to "moving Kriya meditation." Regarding the 45 Day Challenge: The previous discipline in meditation, mantra prayer beads, practicing the Presence (which can be done during daily walks) definitely help me. My biggest challenge is to faithfully add the daily journaling and and Column Exercises, and return to my daily walks. The initial benefits I notice include improved digestion and elimination, and expanded peace, plus confidence that the training and tools are everything I ever wanted, everything I need to develop Divine atonement," at one ment," within.
Namaste, Aum Shanti
Tornado As I was starting doing my exercises outside, in front of the fire, my neighbors horse rushed towards the fence and went as far as the fence allowed towards me. He moved twice, but other than that, he stood there completely still all the way through warm up, figure 8ths and bodytwist. Later he came back to watch me very attentivel
Tornado As I was starting doing my exercises outside, in front of the fire, my neighbors horse rushed towards the fence and went as far as the fence allowed towards me. He moved twice, but other than that, he stood there completely still all the way through warm up, figure 8ths and bodytwist. Later he came back to watch me very attentively again through doing the Lama Lotus and watching the form. His name is Tornado, by the way. I am so grateful to all the Tai Chi Gung Lineage of 3000 plus years, for the magic that is happening in my life since I started doing the exercises.
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